

Defrag is an art installation by Sonia Gutiérrez of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Gutiérrez was commissioned by the Fayetteville Art Festival 2007 and Fayetteville Downtown Partners to create a piece that would create excitement, interest, and intrigue to enter the Fayetteville Town Center and peruse the artists booths. The installation was up for 3 days, August 29 through September 2nd.

The 50 x 50 inch individual fragments, 4 total, were created with PVC, frosted vinyl, light, and found objects.

Artist Statement

This piece is an expression of my post 9/11 experience. In 2001, I was attending Parsons School of Design in New York City. The morning of September 11, I was to present my summer research for my thesis work toward a Master of Fine Art in Design and Technology.

Today, I am a practicing graphic designer and design instructor. I spend a lot of time with computers.

"Like the process of defragmenting a computer hard drive, my mind orders the bits of memories that accumulated after 9/11."

In this installation, two fragments represent memories that still need defragmentation while the two stacked fragments represent wholeness. Creating the piece has allowed me the opportunity to continue a transformative, healing process.

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